


Full body
                     Name: Dotty


                   Height: 5’5”

                   Toy: Marionette

                   Occupation: ______



       Maisy (Patchmate/Friend), Mumble (Best Friend), Murmur (Acquaintance), Quinn (Friend?)


       Dotty is a loud, energetic Oddity whose entire being revolves around pranks. Due to certain circumstances she is one of the less stable Oddities, but it also makes her very excitable. She is in one way or another tethered to her patch, which means most people who come to see her must go through Maisy’s toy box to do so. However other methods have been known to let Dotty out for a bit. All in all, Dotty is a reckless Oddity who can be quite dangerous when bored and gets laughing fits when things please her.


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